This is DJ Nico

DJ Nico, whose real name is Niek Holen (born 2002), is a true allround DJ. With his creativity and infectious enthusiasm, he can get even the most die-hard 'bar hanger' on the dance floor in no time. His innate sense of the right mix of music styles goes hand in hand with creative transitions, using the microphone to entertain people and enhance the music experience!

In the winter of 2022/2023, DJ Nico made his debut in Gerlos, Austria. The roof came off at the most popular après-ski bars in the Alps. On Kingsday 2023, all the feet in Groningen hit the floor during his spectacular show at the Vismarkt. In addition to performances for large audiences at festivals and in party tents, he is frequently found at weddings, corporate parties, and birthdays.
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